
Satte summer festival is coming | 7月10日幸手夏祭りが始まります!

Satte summer festival is coming | 7月10日幸手夏祭りが始まります!
Satte summer festival is coming so soon.
Just as it turned to the month of June I could hear the merrily sounds of festival music “Ohayashi” here and there, played by school children at Community Centers on every weekend.
It consists of three (3) musical instruments i.e. flute, gong and drum to play a rhythmical sound being wafted by fitful wind through my house’s windows opened and it surely bring my heart into festive mood.
Also people have been getting busy for taking out their town’s floats from the storehouse in order to assemble, clean, repair and decorate them for the coming festive days.

Satte festival starts on July 10 carrying out the portable shrine

from Sachinomiya Shrine (幸宮神社)in to the town and end on

July 17 with gathering of seven (7) town’s floats together at the

center of the city, which is a splendid sight and worth seeing I

promise you.
Satte summer festival is coming | 7月10日幸手夏祭りが始まります!
その調べは竹笛、鐘(かね) そして太鼓からなるリズミカルな音色で開け放たれた我が家の窓からもそよ風にのってやってくるのです。そしてそれは私の心を今年もまた祭りの気分へと駆りたてていくのです。


Satte summer festival is coming | 7月10日幸手夏祭りが始まります!
シルクワームさんを詳しくは知りたい方はこちらから → Welcome to the blog of the Hotel Green Core,Satte city