
a la carte 【水仙】

a la carte 【水仙】

The bank of Gongen-Dou makes happy to show its various blooming plants at each season. Now is good time for Suisen, Narcissus blossoms over there. Please, look at the pictures at the Gongen-Dou and my tiny garden.

Narcissus is named after the Greek myths that a young boy called Narcissus was so much beauty himself, jumped into water and was drowned. That’s why "Narcissus" comes from intoxication.

Another named Daffodil is meaning National flower of Wales, England, with trumpet-shaped flowers with their centered pedals. Both of two words are meaning self-centered.

Both of these flowers have the bulb to grow up into white and yellow blossoms.
Bulbs seem something to eat like onions, but shouldn’t be eaten. Be careful not to eat them. They do have poison.
A beautiful thing has poison even as for what time of life.

Spring is just around the corner!
a la carte 【水仙】
【水仙 アラカルト】





a la carte 【水仙】
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a la carte 【水仙】